Singapore Malaysia China India Thailand Cambodia Nepal Australia

About Us

Millennium Group is a prominent conglomerate  headquartered in Singapore. It’s present in major sectors, mainly in Private Equity Investment , Real Estate , Healthcare , Construction & Infrastructure , Chemical & Energy. Founded in 1960 by prominent Singapore & Malaysian businessmans Mr Nadchatiram & Zhang Leong, the company gained international recognition after acquired several global companies. Each subsidiary company of MGC operates independently under and supervision of Mr Sivam’s family office.
The MGC management team, which comprises highly experienced professionals, is well adapted to execute these strategies.
As at 31 December 2020 MGC had over SGD 16.8 billion in assets under management in a well-diversified investment portfolio across various asset classes spanning Malaysia, Singapore, China, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal and Australia.



Conceptualized and established as a real estate investment company, Millennium Group excels in identifying and executing investment opportunities that are laden with value-creation potential. Combining real estate knowledge, capital markets expertise, and proactive asset management, Millennium Group is able to extract and realize such value in a time-effective manner. The company places a high degree of emphasis on capital efficiency in its acquisition and operational decisions.


Headquartered in Singapore, Millennium Group invests extensively across Asia and beyond, targeting gateway and business cities for attractive investment propositions. Highly adapted to international investing with extensive transaction experience and wide business networks, the company actively seeks to collaborate with local real estate experts to benefit from their valuable knowledge and on-the-ground experience.


Millennium Group  and its shareholders are strongly committed to its investment partners and stakeholders. The company is well capitalised to take advantage of opportunities arising from tight liquidity conditions, space and capital market dislocations, private and public markets mismatches, and other advantageous opportunities.

Our Involvements

Private Equity, Investment And Financial Service

Private Equity And Investment

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Chemicals And Energy

Chemicals And Energy

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Construction And Infrastructure

Construction And Infrastructure

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Technology Media & Telecommunication

Technology Media & Telecommunication

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Our Investments at a glance