About Us

Serving Since 1960

Company Overview

Millennium Group is a Prominent Conglomerate , headquartered in Singapore. It’s present in major sectors, mainly in Private Equity Investment , Real Estate , Healthcare , Construction & Infrastructure ,Solar and Chemical & Energy. Founded in 1960 by prominent Singapore & Malaysian prosperous entrepreneurs Mr Nadchatiram & Zhang Leong, the company gained international recognition after acquired several global companies. Each subsidiary company of MGC operates independently under and supervision of Mr Sivam’s family office.
The MGC management team, which comprises highly experienced professionals, is well adapted to execute these strategies.
As at 31 December 2020 MGC had over SGD 16.8 billion in assets under management in a well-diversified investment portfolio across various asset classes spanning Malaysia, Singapore, China, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal and Australia

Dato Seri Sivam Veeramuthu

President / CEO’s Message

The Millennium Group one of the leading Diversified International Company and one of the growing conglomerate in the region. Our strength is our ability to develop innovative, practical solutions for our clients.

The company is built on a solid foundation, with strong and trusted consumer, leadership in our markets and proud associates for over four decades and counting.

Today, as the world watches into its most defining phase of growth, the Group’s responsibility towards the nation assumes greater importance.

I believe that our responsibility to give back to the society which makes us what we are and our ability to contribute wherever we operate will define our future and hold us together as a global organization.


Company At Glance

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Million USD Annual Turnover
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Worldwide Offices
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Business Sectors
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To be a leading global enterprise that enriches people and communities through high-quality real estate products and services.


To be the best-in-class real assets fund management company focused on the management of real estate investment trusts ("REITs"), private real estate and infrastructure funds.


Integrity: We will act honestly and with integrity. We will do the right thing and behave properly, regardless of the circumstances and whether or not others will observe our actions.

Responsibility And Sustainability

Environment, Health, Safety

Our operations directly impact on the natural environment so we are committed to follow good Environment, Health and Safety practices.


We are a guest of the local community, and we endeavor to minimize the impact of our work on residents and their environment.


It is our  policy to provide superior service to partners by understanding and responding to their needs.


Our Code of Ethics seeks to ensure that, as a company and as individuals, we are performing to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior.

Our Investments at a glance

Our founders

Late Mr Rajaretinam Nadchatiram Chettiar

Late Mr. Zhang Leong